Must all Virgins bleed?
I saw this
post on Lindaikejis blog last week about a girl celebrating her virginity at 27
and it got a lot of people talking. I
read with amusement the comments of people on the blog and on Abiyamo’s Facebook
page and I wondered, who really is a virgin, and would bleeding at first
intercourse on her wedding night vindicate the lady. Will all virgins truly
bleed? There is no way to discuss the iss ue of virginity without putting into
concept the religious and cultural perspectives of the people because these are
the things that actually make virginity such a big deal.
Who is a virgin?
One of my
favourite dictionaries, the Merriam-Webster dictionary, in one of its numerous
definitions, defines a virgin (in the context of what we are discussing) as an
ABSOLUTELY chaste young woman (emphasis mine). My other favourite dictionary, the
Oxford Dictionaries defines it as a person who has never had sexual
intercourse. In these and several other dictionaries you will find synonyms
like untouched,
unspoilt, untainted, untarnished, unadulterated, pure, immaculate, pristine,
flawless etc.
Now sexual
intercourse means different things to different people. A sexual intercourse is
an intimacy between two people either of different or the same sex for the purpose
of pleasure, reproduction, religious rite, etc. It can be in the form of the
traditional penetration of the male organ into that of the female, or it can be in the form of an anal, oral, or manual (fingering) intercourse, use of sex toys
and dolls, or mutual masturbation. Researchers and sexologist have defined a
term “technical
virginity” to describe a female whose hymen is still intact, as this is
the only physical proof of virginity. A person can therefore technically be a
virgin, but in reality, she is not. Fortunately, in all references I checked,
kissing and fondling were not mentioned. That would have significantly reduced
those that can actually call themselves virgins.
The Hymen
Sometimes I
wonder why God placed a hymen over the introitus of the female and did not do
something similar in males. The hymen is very symbolic and it is no surprise
that even in societies that are not so concerned about religion, it’s breakage
still carries a lot of significance.
Must a virgin bleed?
Now we can conveniently
answer this question. And the answer is NO! In medical school, we were taught
that when answering true or false questions and you come across questions with
words like “must” or “always”, if you are not sure of the answer and you want
to make a guess, false is most likely the answer. Here, however, we are sure of
the answer and we will give some reasons why this may be so.
The hymen as
we have said earlier is fragile and can be broken without the female feeling
any pain. The following have been reported as reported to have broken the
activities like cycling, horse riding, high/long jumps, gymnastics,
choreography and energetic dances etc.
genital mutilation.
procedures like having to medically perform a hymenotomy (creating an opening
in the hymen) to make an imperforate hymen to allow for menstruation
Abuse during
childhood; as researches in the field are yet to come to an agreement as to whether
assaulting of little girls who may not even understand what is being done to
them can be categorized as losing their virginity.
Some people
have reported a congenital absence of the hymen, but there is no medical
backing for this as at the time of writing this article. It has also been
reported that adequate lubrication may not make some thin hymens break during
the first intercourse and pregnant women have been seen to come into labour
with their hymens intact and finally broken by the process of labour .
She Bled!
Congrats! That
may please you, but she knows you were not the first. This makes the issue of
virginity warped sometimes and explains why more and more people are taking the
importance off it. As explained earlier, some hymens may necessarily not be
broken by the first intercourse especially with adequate lubrication and
depending on the type of hymen and the physicality of the intercourse.
Sometimes it may only be partially broken and you only just came to complete
the job. Then, in this age of medical advancement, doctors can refashion a
hymen for you, and it is not that difficult a procedure to do. Shebi the koko
na to bleed on your first night, you go bleed na . E go cost you small sha .

So really,
there is no way to know if a woman is really a virgin by the religious
definition of it, except she tells you she had never had any form of sexual
relationship with someone else and you believe her. Technically, she can be
proved to be a virgin. She may not fit into the technical definition but still
be chaste. She may convince herself that she is a virgin, while by her acts,
she is not. This post is just to educate, as unbiasedly as possible, on the
issue of virginity. I am not here to be judgemental . I think it’s a matter of
choices. The lady in question made a mistake by making it public, thereby
making it other peoples affair, so she can really not complain about the
backlash and hateful comments she got. In this liberal world we live in, I
think virgins are brave and should be commended, but please make it a secret
between you, your God and your man.